Marseille has many beautiful buildings and sights, but the elegant Lonchan Palace is without exaggeration a true masterpiece of architecture. The palace was built in connection with the completion of a global project – the construction of the Marseille Canal, which relieved the rapidly growing city of water shortages. And it happened somewhere in the middle of the 19th century. Since then, the palace Lonshan adorns the French Marseille and leads to the delight of all tourists, without exception, who come to him. And believe me, there is a lot to marvel at!

Lonchan Palace includes two museums, an observatory and a zoological garden.

The adjoining territory of Lonshan Palace is decorated with a multi-level fountain complex, culminating in an equally beautiful sculptural composition of three women driving a chariot.

Next, tourists will see a majestic triumphal arch with colonnades running from it in both directions. One of them (the one on the left) ends with the building of the Museum of Natural History. The colonnades on the right side lead to another of Marseille’s cultural institutions, the Museum of Fine Arts.

Behind the main building of the Palais Lonchan is the zoological garden and observatory. Alas, you will not be able to get acquainted with the inhabitants of the park, as animals are not kept here for a long time, but you can feel like astronomers and look through telescopes any day.

As for the museums available here, one of them (the Museum of Fine Arts, dedicated to painting and sculpture) is closed for reconstruction. But the Natural History Museum is always happy to tell you about the zoological exhibitions on display.

The best way to get to Lonchan Palace in Marseille is by metro. The station to get off at is called Cinq Avenues Longchamp.

The address is Marseilles, 4e Arrondissement. Website.

Opening hours: 10:00 – 17:00, in summer on weekends: 11:00 – 18:00.

Entrance: free of charge, to the Museum of Fine Arts: 6 EUR, to the Museum of Natural History: 6 EUR.